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Italian versionIt

English versionEn
Indice delle schede di Italiano
Palabras encontradas:
surgir = rise ... INFINITIVO Presente 1 pers. sing.
(Detalles abajo)
Conjugación de: , surgí, surgido
intransitivo - attiva
Yo surjo
Tu surges
El/Ella/Eso surge
Nosotros surgimos
Vosotros surgís
Ellos/Ellas/Esos surgen
I rise
You rise
He/She/It rises
We rise
You rise
They rise
Pretérito imperfecto
Yo surgía
Tu surgías
El/Ella/Eso surgía
Nosotros surgíamos
Vosotros surgíais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos surgían
I was rising
You were rising
He/She/It was rising
We were rising
You were rising
They were rising
Pretérito perfecto
Yo surgí
Tu surgiste
El/Ella/Eso surgió
Nosotros surgimos
Vosotros surgisteis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos surgieron
I rose
You rose
He/She/It rose
We rose
You rose
They rose
Pretérito perfecto
Yo he surgido
Tu has surgido
El/Ella/Eso ha surgido
Nosotros hemos surgido
Vosotros habéis surgido
Ellos/Ellas/Esos han surgido
I have risen
You have risen
He/She/It has risen
We have risen
You have risen
They have risen
Pretérito plusquamperfecto
Yo había surgido
Tu habías surgido
El/Ella/Eso había surgido
Nosotros habíamos surgido
Vosotros habíais surgido
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habían surgido
I had risen
You had risen
He/She/It had risen
We had risen
You had risen
They had risen
Pretérito anterior
Yo hube surgido
Tu hubiste surgido
El/Ella/Eso hubo surgido
Nosotros hubimos surgido
Vosotros hubisteis surgido
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieron surgido
I had risen
You had risen
He/She/It had risen
We had risen
You had risen
They had risen
Futuro imperfecto
Yo surgiré
Tu surgiras
El/Ella/Eso surgirá
Nosotros surgiremos
Vosotros surgireis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos surgirán
I will rise
You will rise
He/She/It will rise
We will rise
You will rise
They will rise
Futuro anterior
Yo habré surgido
Tu habrás surgido
El/Ella/Eso habrá surgido
Nosotros habremos surgido
Vosotros habréis surgido
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrán surgido
I will have risen
You will have risen
He/She/It will have risen
We will have risen
You will have risen
They will have risen
Yo surja
Tu surjas
El/Ella/Eso surja
Nosotros surjamos
Vosotros surjáis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos surjan
I (that )may rise
You (that )may rise
He/She/It (that )may rise
We (that )may rise
You (that )may rise
They (that )may rise
Pretérito imperfecto
Yo surgiera
Tu surgieras
El/Ella/Eso surgiera
Nosotros surgiéramos
Vosotros surgierais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos surgieran
I (that )might rise
You (that )might rise
He/She/It (that )might rise
We (that )might rise
You (that )might rise
They (that )might rise
Pretérito perfecto
Yo haya surgido
Tu hayas surgido
El/Ella/Eso haya surgido
Nosotros hayamos surgido
Vosotros hayáis surgido
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hayan surgido
I (whether) rose
You (whether) rose
He/She/It (whether) rose
We (whether) rose
You (whether) rose
They (whether) rose
Yo hubiera surgido
Tu hubieras surgido
El/Ella/Eso hubiera surgido
Nosotros hubiéramos surgido
Vosotros hubierais surgido
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieran surgido
I (whether) had risen
You (whether) had risen
He/She/It (whether) had risen
We (whether) had risen
You (whether) had risen
They (whether) had risen
Yo surgiría
Tu surgirías
El/Ella/Eso surgiría
Nosotros surgiríamos
Vosotros surgiríais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos surgirían
I would rise
You would rise
He/She/It would rise
We would rise
You would rise
They would rise
Yo habría surgido
Tu habrías surgido
El/Ella/Eso habría surgido
Nosotros habríamos surgido
Vosotros habríais surgido
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrían surgido
I would have risen
You would have risen
He/She/It would have risen
We would have risen
You would have risen
They would have risen
Yo -
Tu surge
El/Ella/Eso surga
Nosotros surgamos
Vosotros surgid
Ellos/Ellas/Esos surgan
let me rise
let him rise
let us rise
let them rise
que surge
Pretérito perfecto
Pretérito perfecto
haber surgido
have risen
Pretérito perfecto
habiendo surgido
having risen

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